Staff requirements.
Staff must be able to manage their own activities of daily living (ADLs) including showering, toileting, dressing, and feeding. If you require supports at home, you will need to make arrangements for supports at camp.
While we are focused on staffing LAYLF with individuals with diverse disabilities, we want to focus our resources and supports on the well-being of our delegates. Minor support needs are reasonable (i.e., carrying food tray in lunchroom, holding materials during transition from one location to another). If you are unsure about what support needs will look like for you at camp, feel free to contact us! We’d be happy to talk through what camp might look like for you.
Staff needs to be able to move for at least 15-20 minutes, across uneven surfaces, from one location to another. We understand that staff may utilize various types of mobility aids.
We host LAYLF in multiple buildings on a college campus. Staff must be able to supervise delegates in the transition of the whole group from one building to another. It is the responsibility of staff members to use their mobility aids independently.
Staff are required to be at camp for 5 days, sleep in the dorms, and participate in all sessions. Breaks and sensory accommodations are provided for everyone.
LAYLF is an overnight camp on a college campus. Staff and delegates are required to sleep in the dorms and attend all sessions for the entirety of camp.