delegate requirements.
At LAYLF, we have established the following criteria when considering if an applicant is a good fit for our program. We do understand that everyone is unique and they may have some special circumstances that effect their ability to meet these requirements. If you have any questions about whether or not your child is a good fit, please call us! We’d be happy to talk through what LAYLF might look like for your camper.
Applicant must be in the 10th through 12th grade.
Applicant should have a minimum reading level of first grade.
Applicant must actively participate in a Zoom interview with LAYLF staff, and indicate a desire to attend LAYLF.
We understand that active participation will look different for everyone. Some may have excited facial expressions without verbalizations; some may use an assistive communication device; others may use sign language.
We also understand that parents will be there for support and encouragement, however, it is our hope that we have an opportunity to get to know your delegate through direct interaction with them.
Applicant must have sufficient emotional stability to participate in all aspects of LAYLF.
All delegates and staff are expected to participate in all activities. At camp we often say, “We move as a group. No one is left behind.”
We do offer sensory spaces and frequent breaks to minimize feelings of overwhelm or overstimulation. We also understand camp can be an overwhelming and new experience for some and staff will be there to support and encourage those who are hesitant.
Applicant should be able to actively participate in 60-minute activities (team building games, small and large group discussions).
We understand active participation will look different for everyone.
The sensory space is open at all times.
Applicant must tolerate groups of people. Camp is generally comprised of 12-14 campers and approximately 15-17 staff members.
Staff and campers do all activities together because we do not divide the group. We do offer sensory spaces and frequent breaks to minimize feelings of overwhelm or overstimulation.
Applicant must demonstrate the ability to accept responsibility for his/her actions and maintain respect for themselves and others.
At LAYLF, we are building a community instilled with pride, self-determination, and interdependence. At the beginning of camp, all delegates work together to create rules which reflect how they would like the group to treat one another.
Applicant must have no history of disruptive/aggressive behaviors, and no recent history (at least one year) of running away, elopement, wandering, or being missing.
LAYLF does not have the personnel necessary to manage these behaviors.
We have implemented extensive security strategies to ensure the safety of all participants. However, camp is hosted on a public university campus and we cannot risk the safety of individuals who elope in any form.
*Drafted 7/2024. The aforementioned criteria are a revision of various LAPIE program criteria. LAPIE criteria was chosen because LAYLF has identical core elements to current post-secondary programs (location, self-advocacy, self-determination, etc.). We recognize that not all LAYLF participants will go on to post-secondary programs and because of this we revised the criteria to fit the developmental stage and broader range of applicants we are anticipating.