Frequently asked questions.
LAYLF keeps a 1:1 staff-to-camper ratio. This is in addition to our 2 full-time nurses and our executive staff team!
what is the staff to camper ratio?
Every camper at LAYLF will have a roommate! Roommates are matched based on age, gender, and commonalities/shared interests.
who will my roommate be?
Campers are allowed to have cell phones at camp, but before sessions, we ask everyone (including staff!) to put their phones in a basket at the front of the room. This is to encourage engagement and communication with one another! We understand that some use their cell phone as a regulation tool, so feel free to reach out to the LAYLF Coordinator if you have additional concerns.
what is LAYLF’s cell phone policy?
Since camp is often a new experience for our campers, we understand that it can be overwhelming for some! We offer sensory spaces that anyone can access, at anytime. Our staff will also be there to support and encourage you throughout camp. Please feel free to bring any of your concerns up ahead of time to the LAYLF team so we can talk them through!
what if i get overwhelmed?
Thanks to our funders and sponsors, camp is 100% free to our campers, with lodging and meals provided!
what is the cost of attendance?
One of LAYLF’s focuses is promoting independence in our campers! Therefore, parents are not permitted to stay with their camper at camp. Our 1:1 staff-to-camper ratio ensures that our campers will have the support and supervision they need while they explore their independence. For safety reasons, LAYLF maintains a strict no-pop-in policy.
are parents allowed at camp? can mom/dad/etc pop-in?
If you have further questions or concerns, or would simply like to talk through what camp might look like for you, please feel free to contact us through our contact form. We’d be happy to chat more with you!